Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Jainism an Atheist Religion

Atheism is commonly defined as the position that there are no deities.

In Jainism, a Tirthankar a human being who achieves enlightenment (perfect knowledge) through asceticism and who then becomes a role-model teacher for those seeking spiritual guidance. A Tirthankar is a special sort of arhat, a person who has totally conquered base sensibilities such as anger, pride, deceit, or desire.

Some of you might not agree with me but definition of tirthankar is not analogous to 'god'. Jainism defines tirthankar as someone who have conquered 'raag' and 'dwesh' , enemies of aatma and are devoid of all attractions and dis-attractions, likes,dislikes,etc(even included joy and happiness of 'swarg' and sufferings of 'narak'). All tirthankars were human's like you and me and by virtue of their 'tapasya', control over senses have attended perfect 'nirvan'. In short their soul is resting in peace. They will not have to take birth in any of the 'gatis'(jainism defines 4 gatis). In other religions like christanity, Islam, Judaism..they define god as someone who has created this universe..they are responsible for all joy as well sorrow happening around you. jainism,hindusim and buddhism believe in karma theory..i.e what will you do to others, you will get same. To sum, Jainism,hindusim and buddhism are 'atheist' i.e non believer in god. jainism is the only religion which claims that any individual can attain state of nirvan and can be tirthankars in coming time infinitude('chauvisi').

Michhami dukadam if I am wrong anywhere.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good one, Nishant. Enjoyed reading it.