Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Response to Idiotic comments by Dr. Zakir's video

I encourage to see this video first before reading my comments

All the counter arguments given my mr. speaker are baseless. Based on senses all living beings can be divided into 5 categories:
1. living beings with sense of touch: e.g water,fire,air,plants
2. beings with sense of touch (body) and tongue:e. g worms,shell,earthworms
3. beings with sense of touch,taste and smell:e.g ants,lice
4. beings with sense of touch,taste,smell and vision:e.g bees,mosquitoes,scorpio
5. being with sense of touch,taste,smell,vision and ears:e.g humans,dogs etc
If a person is born with a dis ability i. e if he is duff and dumb or blind he still has sense of feeling the pain and has to live his entire life without those organs to suffer more. Now if someone says i will cut your third hand, you will laugh on him since the organ which you dont have will cause you no pain. Similarly plants are devoid of those organs that animals are gifted by born.
In any religion definition of sin is how more trouble you give you cause more sin. Since in eating plants you are giving them less trouble sin attached with it is less. Now even if you are guilty to kill the plan that you have eaten, ask for forgiveness before or after you eat. I suppose you understand the spiritual connection associated in remembering your god before or after you eat.

Your suggestions are whole heartedly welcomed!